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Game Theoretical Approach for Channel Allocation in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

编辑:CYBER日期:2012-11-29 访问次数:868
Game Theoretical Approach for Channel Allocation in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
作者: Chen, Jiming;  Yu, Qing;  Cheng, Peng;  Sun, Youxian; Fan, Yanfei;  Shen, Xuemin
来源: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL : 56   : 10   : 2332-2344      2011
Multi-channel allocation in wireless sensor and actuator networks is formulated as an optimization problema distributed Game Based Channel Allocation Algorithm is proposed by taking into account both network topology and routing information. For both tree/forest and non-tree/forest routing, it is proved that there exists at least one Nash Equilibrium for the problem. Furthermore, the sub-optimality of NE and the convergence of the Best Response dynamics are also analyzed.