实际的复杂工业系统、城市基础设施等复杂工程网络都是由许多子系统构成,并通过信息网络连接形成的Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems (DCPS)网络系统,如何利用子系统之间的信息联接达到全局系统的整体优化,渐已成为国际上学术界和实际系统应用的研究热点,成立该TC的目的旨在推动这一领域的科学研究和实际应用成果的学术交流。中心的这一建议已于7月递交 IFAC国际组织。
The 13th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems: Theory and Applications (IFAC LSS 2013) is sponsored by IFAC TC5.4 - Large Scale Complex Systems, co-sponsored by some other IFAC TCs, IFORS, IMACS, IFIP, IEEE Shanghai Section, and Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). The Symposium is to discuss new developments in methodologies and techniques useful in handling complexity in analysis, modelling, control and optimization of large scale complex systems. The methodologies and tools for the complexity analysis are to be among the key issues of the Symposium. A number of application areas will be addressed. Special attention will be paid to large scale complex systems which are closely connected with the human daily’s life, such as urban traffic systems, water systems, environmental systems, power supply systems, etc. The IFAC LSS 2013, organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Key Laboratory of System Control and Information Processing, Ministry of Education (SCIP), and Shanghai Association of Automation (SAA), was held in Shanghai, a modern metropolis with traditional oriental and local culture.